1. I learned that people are constantly changing, and there’s no stopping it; you just have to embrace it.
2. I learned a lot about myself and who I am today as compared to who I used to be.
3. I learned that you can't run away from your problems because that only digs you into a deeper hole. The best way to get past something is to just face it head on--even if you really don’t want to.
4. I learned that when things end, what matters is not that it feels like everything’s in pieces; it's how you decide to carry on and learn from them.
5. I learned about my passion, photography, and that i am really not half bad at it ... haha!
2007 was hectic, stressful, wonderful, and definitely a year I won’t forget. I don’t regret anything because everything happens for a reason, and I am now on a new path: doing better in school and hanging out with the right people. It just took me a while to realize how important everything really is.
~Arielle Flanagan (Susan (Abbe) and Kevin Flanagan's daughter)
Stuff I Learned in 2007
I've thought of a few things but will probably think of others or think of some that are more important than what comes to mind right now.
1. Every Christmas season, when I watch "It's A Wonderful Life" again, I always notice something I didn't see or hear before. This year, it was how often George Bailey says, "Now you're talking."
2. Emperor penguins endure extreme cold, hunger, and march over 60 miles (one way, while hungry and cold) just to have one offspring. I suspect if any of that were required for human reproduction we would have zero population growth ASAP.
3. Little girls in velvet dresses and wearing black patent leather shoes for Christmas, are still one of my very favorite things.
4. The older I get, the more I like Hallmark movies. Even though I still think they're corny, I don't mind as much.
5. I learned that I didn't know as much as I thought I knew about the Bible. I joined a Bible study class in 2007, about 45 plus years since my last one. "Miss Know It All", doesn't...
6. I miss my high school friends in Michigan. I kinda always knew that but last year when they told me about getting together for breakfast, or to learn how to knit, or being "Santa Claus Girls", or...I wanted to be with them too.
7. I learned that I am falling behind when trying to keep up with computer technology or whatever it's proper title is. I manage okay with my computer but when Blackberries and IPods came along, I could feel myself starting down the slippery slope.
8. I learned that even as a kid, I never was crazy about Halloween, except of course, getting the candy. The idea of dressing up in strange, scary costumes never appealed to me. And since getting candy is not part of the celebration for me anymore, I still don't care for Halloween. It's nice when something you think as a child, remains the same all through the years.
9. I learned something I forgot - that puppies are puppies for a lot longer than I remembered - many months, not many weeks. And some breeds are not easy to train. I didn't know that. My puppy, Sadie, is 8 months old. She is cute, she is bright, she can "shake hands" (both hands), she is all these things consistently. She does not go "potty"outside consistently, sometimes she still prefers indoors. I don't know why. I hope she will learn to do that in 2008 (go outside every time, that is).
10. Quitting smoking was/is the hardest thing I ever did. ~Carol Churchard
I have learned
•that I am capable of things I never thought possible... at one point this year my schedule was to: get up at 4 AM, drive to Dee’s house to tend to her after surgery, drive to my Dad’s apartment to make him tea, cook him an egg, help with his feeding, go to work all day and deal with 9th graders, go back to Dad’s house and Dee’s house after school to care for them, go home ... to do it all again the next day.
•how much I truly love my parents and Matt’s mom. Having all three in the hospital at the same time and then losing my dad taught me how much I truly care and how fragile life is.
•that watching my father die in the hospital with my family was the hardest yet most precious moment of my entire life.
•how to find happiness in the midst of great trauma and strife.
•that laughter really is the best medicine. I spent a lot of time this year reading “Peanuts” and “Mutts” comics!
•how scared I am for the state of the world and what we humans are doing to it... but I only have so much control ... so I pray a lot and give the problems to God (at least I try to).
•that I can’t be in the driver’s seat all the time... I have to let go and let God take over. That’s a constant conflict I battle over, but I’m learning to sit in the back seat and relax.
•that I’m totally okay with not having children ... I love my life with my husband just as it is, and I wouldn’t change it for anything!
•how much I need my family.
•how much I need my husband and am grateful for his presence every moment of every day.
•how glad I am that 2007 is over ... both 2006 and 2007 were difficult years for our family.
•how optimistic I am about 2008 ... new year, new niece to love, new president, new resolutions to try to achieve, new dogs in our future (once I can convince Matt to adopt some earlier rather than later), new hope ...
Happy 2008, everybody! ~Denise (Churchard) Abbe (daughter of Carol and Wally Churchard)
I've learned in 2007 that life can be harsh at times. I've learned that I am strong and so is my marriage to withstand all of the down turns this year has brought us. I have learned (and am still learning) that I am not in control - no matter how much I try to be in control - I am not, but God is! Mostly I have learned that God loves me and has a purpose for me and my circumstances and it's okay that I don't know what the plan is and why it is happening. Let's see, what else -
God has a sense of humor and incredibly timing
A baby's coo is the most beautiful sound ever
It doesn't matter how many children that I have taught to read, hearing my daughter read has been exhilarating and magical!
I also now know how to slow a car down when the brakes go out.
That watching someone talk can be more fascinating than just hearing her (Emily).
That no matter how bad the events have been or how many mistakes I've made, I'm hopeful for the future!
~Shelly (Churchard) Edgar (daughter of Carol and Wally Churchard)
Stuff I learned in 2007:
Who I am as a person
To look around and see the miracles in life
To breathe
Refocus my priorities
Everyone looks for heroes or friends. I'd rather have friends
There's more to life than consuming
That if I want to see me change, I have to change
Laugh more
A lot about my spirtual side
I miss everyoine more than I let on
~Nathan Ramelli (son of Kim (Churchard; daughter of Carol and Wally Churchard) and Eric Ramelli